
Employee Satisfaction Survey: 7 Questions to Ask

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Employee satisfaction surveys are an excellent tool to determine whether your company culture is prospering or simply surviving.

When used correctly, your employee satisfaction survey may provide a useful report of honest, anonymous information to assist your organization and its culture in growing. This is due to the way they allow your employees to express themselves without fear of being scolded or discriminated against.

Of course, if you don’t ask the correct questions, you won’t obtain the answers you need. So, to assist you, this is what we ask in our employee satisfaction survey.

7 employee satisfaction survey questions to include:

Each question is graded on a scale of 0 to 10. They agree more if they have a better score. Feel free to leave room for comments if they need to discuss their answer in more depth.

#1 Do you feel appreciated at work?

This survey question is all about organizational culture. Employees who feel appreciated by their employer are more inclined to desire to prove their worth to the organization. It’s a win-win situation. They will strive to be more productive if they are more involved.

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#2 Do you have all of the tools you need to do your job properly?

A lousy worker is typically quick to blame his tools.’ He has a valid argument. Regardless of how many motivational speeches you offer your employees, they need the necessary tools to do their duties effectively.

This employee satisfaction survey isn’t just about making sure your employees have the necessary physical equipment; it’s also about ensuring they have the right pastoral care around them.

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#3 Do you believe your management is invested in you?

Your leadership team has the ability to build or break employee productivity, morale, and culture. You can easily discover how happy your employees are with their supervisors and department heads by asking this question and soliciting candid comments.

Evaluate the replies carefully and avoid personalizing any negative remarks so that you can learn to adjust.

Numerous studies show that people labor for reasons other than a paycheck. They want to believe that they are making a positive contribution and that they are valued by the company.

If someone’s direct boss isn’t doing this, or worse, is deliberately berating or putting them down, they will get disengaged rapidly.

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#4 Do you have any ideas on how you may assist the firm in meeting its aims and objectives?

This question adds on the preceding one on employee happiness by asking employees if they understand how they fit into the company’s goals. Culture is beneficial if they understand what their position is and how it affects the larger organization.

However, if they are unable to describe what they do or comprehend why they must do it, it may be time to rethink your onboarding procedure.

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#5 Do you know someone to turn to if something unexpected arises, and do you feel supported?

It is at times of crisis that the efficacy of your organization’s culture is put to the ultimate test.

Give yourself a pat on the back if your employees know who to contact and can quickly find relevant information. This is typically a solid indicator that you’re doing a good job managing your staff.

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#6 Are you proud to be a part of the company?

Positive responses to this question suggest that your organization’s culture is flourishing. It demonstrates that you provide the appropriate development, growth, and workplace environment.

It can also indicate that you value your employees’ opinions and ideas, promote diversity, and provide the appropriate level of assistance and support to those encountering challenges.

If individuals reply adversely to this section of the questionnaire, it may be time to rethink your employee-welfare policy.

Image owned by Olya Kobruseva

#7 How satisfied are you with your work-life balance?

Achieving a decent work-life balance is an important aspect of a strong corporate culture and, as such, should be included in any employee satisfaction survey.

According to research, people who establish a healthy work-life balance work 21 percent harder and are 33 percent more likely to stay with their company.

A flexible work schedule is at the top of 68 percent of employees’ wish lists, followed by a suitable workload for 62 percent.

Image owned by Jill Wellington

We cannot overstate the importance of our employee satisfaction surveys in fostering genuine and open working connections at Breathe. They are not a one-time occurrence.

Use these employee satisfaction survey questions in your organization at least twice a year to track progress, learn from failures, and resolve to alter your culture for the best.